Our Curriculum
Our classical approach uses a core curriculum that emphasizes the best of ancient and modern wisdom, and things that are objectively true, good, and beautiful. That’s different from the modern approach common today that uses a “cafeteria” approach to education, with various unrelated subjects taught either by the teacher or student’s preference. Here, we think of the curriculum like a tree, with each class overlapping, growing, and building from what came before. As a result, we do not teach many things, but we do teach much.

The Trivium, or the three subjects of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, also form the method of learning in every other subject. First we learn what something is (grammar), then we ask “what does this mean?” (logic), and finally we apply it to our lives (rhetoric). Once a student masters the method, he or she is free to explore and develop skills in nearly any subject area.
The Trivium – The Three arts of Language
The Quadrivium – The Four arts of Science
Arithmetic (number)
Geometry (number in space)
Music (number in time)
Astronomy (number in space and time)
Biblical Theology – The Queen of the Arts
Each one of our subjects – the eight classical liberal arts – has its goal to cultivate a free person (liberalis in the classic sense of the word). It’s one of the reasons we say our goal is to lift hearts. The very subjects we teach have done this for millennia.
Here is a sample schedule of each in-class day at Sursum Corda: