Every other Friday, join families and children (birth to grade school, but open to all) for free* activity and exploration days. Activities include the zoo, field trips, art days, park & playground days, music, and seasonal events. These days are examples of our school’s emphasis of scholé – restful learning. School (which comes from the Greek word scholé) should be from a position of rest and leisure, not panic or worry. We want to free parents to be involved in their children’s education, giving the children a sense of wonder and curiosity.
Upcoming Events:
Day at the Zoo – Sept. 13

Friday, September 13
Join us to explore Henry Villas Zoo in Madison. We’ll learn a few new Latin animal names along the way. Meet at the back entrance (Lake/Beach Side) at 10am.
Bring a sack lunch. Open to all ages. The zoo is free.
Art Day – Sept. 27 (Postponed)

Friday, September 27 (postponed)
Join us for a day of Art (Beautiful Classical Art, that is). Children AND Parents will both appreciate this experience. We have a guest volunteer art historian, Mrs. Rachel Puthukkeril lead us in a brief study of the American artist Sargent.
*$5 suggested donation to cover art expenses.
Ribbon Cutting & Fall Leaves Art Day – Oct. 11

Friday, October 11
Join us for a short ribbon cutting ceremony for Sursum Corda! After a short program at 9am, refreshments will be served, followed by an interactive fall leaves art lesson and activity for the whole family, and then time for play on a new natural playground! Sursum Corda is located at Faith Lutheran Church, 143 Washington St., Oregon, WI.
9:00 Program & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
9:30-10:00 Artist / Nature Study
10:00-10:50 Art
10:50-11:00 Clean-Up
11:00–12:00 Break / Outdoor Play, etc.
Day at the Apple Orchard – Oct. 25

Friday, October 25
Join us for a visit and tour of the Eplegaarden Apple Orchard in Fitchburg!
2227 Fitchburg Road, Fitchburg, WI 53575
Meet at the Orchard at 10am. We’ll stay till around noon. Bring a lunch if you want!
American Art Day – Nov. 8

Friday, November 8
Join us for a day of Beautiful Classical American Art. Children and Parents will both appreciate this experience. We have a guest volunteer art historian, Mrs. Rachel Puthukkeril lead us in a brief study of the American artist Sargent.
*$5 suggested donation to cover art expenses.
Thanksgiving in the Woods – Nov. 22

Friday, November 22
10am-12pm New Glarus Woods State Park.
Enjoy a hike through the woods, time for play, a potluck lunch, and time for giving thanks.
Adults, bring a dish to pass. Children, for a Thanksgiving show-and-tell bring something you are thankful for. Also, come prepared to show everyone else something you are good at doing – something WE can be thankful for!
We’ll meet at New Glarus Woods State Park at the Picnic Shelter/Playground at 10am.
Party & Art with St. Nicholas – Dec. 6

Friday, December 6, St. Nicholas Day at Sursum Corda.
Enjoy a Christmas art project and lesson, cookies, decorating, and meet “St. Nicholas”!
This event is open to all families – we love visitors. These Friday activities are perfect opportunities to get to know our small group of teachers, parents, and students, and to learn about the blessings of a hybrid classical education.
Beginning at 9am Friday, Dec. 6 with prayer. At Sursum Corda Classical School, 143 Washington St., Oregon, WI.
St. Lucy’s Tea & Advent/Christmas Program & Procession – Wed., Dec. 11

Wednesday, December 11 at Faith Lutheran Church/Sursum Corda.
In Scandinavia, St. Lucy’s Day is known as the “Festival of Lights,” and celebrates the legend of St. Lucy bringing food to persecuted Christians in the 3rd century. It’s said that St. Lucy wore candles in a wreath on her head to light her way through the catacombs, while keeping her hands free to carry food.
Sursum Corda & the Ladies of Faith Lutheran Church will honor this tradition with a St. Lucy’s Day Tea and candlelight St. Lucia Vespers service on December 11th. Tea, sandwiches and cookies will be served at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall, followed at 6:30pm by the St. Lucia procession and candlelight Vespers service.