View a 30-minute presentation on the basics of Classical Education, and how Sursum Corda Classical School aims to provide an “education to lift up hearts.” First, hear a short children’s recitation followed by the presentation.
The talk covers these classical education ideas:
1. Ad fontes – “To the fount/source”
2. Festina lente – “Make haste slowly” / Schole & contemplationis – “leisure & contemplation/learning”
3. Multum non multa – “Much, not many”
4. Ekstasis & Studium – “Wonder & curiosity”
5. Repetitio est mater studiorum – “Repetition is the mother of learning”
6. Optimus magister bonus liber – “The best teacher is a good book.”
7. Vocatio ante vitae – “Vocation before career”
8. Sursum corda – “Lift up your hearts!”
Finally, the cost of the school is given and other information on curriculum.