Now accepting students for 2025! Almost every week, we are contacted by another family interested in our school. If you are interested in enrolling, please follow these steps below:
The steps for application and admission to Sursum Corda Classical School are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact headmaster Rev. Hendrix at 608-405-9522.
Step 1: Attend an open house or schedule an appointment to meet with our headmaster. Our headmaster is happy to meet parents at a time and location of your choosing (home, school, coffee shop, library). Please contact him to arrange a time and place.
Our Headmaster will present information about our mission and philosophy of education as well as outline the classical model and how it is utilized at Sursum Corda Classical School. He will also discuss expectations of the family as well as the school and will conduct a tour of our facility.
Step 2: Complete the application form here (or request a physical copy from our headmaster).
Admission priority is given in this order: Re-enrolling student (carried over from our classical co-op); New student from current family; Faith Lutheran Church members; First-round applicants; Members of other Confessional Lutheran Churches.
Step 3: Those who register by March 15 are applicable to receive a discount on the total cost of the tuition. See tuition and fees here. Various payment plans are available.
Step 4: Once registered, we’ll have a few forms for parents to fill out. Parents (as Co-teachers) must plan to attend a Family Education Weekend in the Fall. We will then eagerly await our school year together, beginning with an orientation in August!